Therapy for Anxiety

Your heart is pounding and even though you are sitting still you are breathing fast. The world is rushing around you… You feel faint maybe a bit sick. That pounding in my chest, is that pain, wow am I having a heart attack?
You ‘ve felt like this before, and you hope and pray that it will go away. It used to happen maybe once or twice, now it’s happening every day, sometimes several times a day.

It’s hard to wake up.

But it’s hard to sleep.

Your mind is racing, yet your words don’t work.

You feel so raw, so exposed so broken.

Please know, if you or someone you know feels like this, you are OK. This is anxiety.

Anxiety is one of the most common conditions in the USA. It’s more common than people think. Its common yet we don’t talk about it. This is why people feel so alone.

Clients in the past have expressed an incredible sense of guilt or shame for feeling anxious.

Sometimes anxiety can occur without a known cause, and sometimes is occurs because of an event or a circumstance.

What I want you to know now is that you are OK, and I can help.
I am passionate about helping people recover from anxiety. Yes recover. It’s more than just a magic pill, through therapy and using the tried and tested therapy techniques I am experienced and certified in, I can help you.

Uncover the root cause of your anxiety.

Address the symptoms so it’s easier to cope while you are recovering.

And show you how you can live anxiety free.

Here is an example of a client’s situation and how it changed with therapy:

Patricia came to therapy when her life was fully controlled by anxiety. She shared that she always feels like she is not good enough and that there are people are talking about her. She shared that she wants to be like everyone else, but was not feeling adequate even though everyone around her assured that she is really good at what she does and is a very loving person. After several sessions of exploring Patricia’s family history and childhood, discussing her current struggles with being irritable and worrying all the time about things she is unable to control, Patricia was able to link her current problems to her situations from the childhood. She remembered that she always wanted to please her parents.

We discussed the fear that she experienced nightly, anticipating if her parents will have a fight and how she felt responsible for the fights that parents were having. With the help of the Mindfulness Therapy approach, and EMDR techniques, Patricia was able to overcome the feeling of fear of potential conflict.

She was able to rationalize her thoughts and live in the present, instead of worrying about the future, and regrets of the past. She is now able to spend time with her family and truly enjoy things together. She does not constantly worry about things that could possibly go wrong. Patricia started taking yoga classes and talking walks weekly walks with her friend.

If you are ready to make a change, let’s talk! You can schedule a free initial consultation online!